Ever had those moments in church where God is calling you to sway slightly from your perfectly planned service structure? Of course you have. Let’t talk!
Recently, I was asking my Dad for advice. You know, every once in a while you need a fathers guidance, if not from your biological father, then one who has wisdom through years of Kingdom service.
Ever wonder about the arguments that happen over “I, we, they, Him” in songs. Ohhhh we do. We put the debate to the test as James and Dustin wrestle it out.
Taking criticism can be tough. It can also come from many different people in your life, family, leaders, peers and even your congregations. How you deal with the critics is so important…
So, you want church to be all about you right? Well, I guess that IS how we got you in the door. But are there dangers to a consumerism society in the church?
Today we talk through that terrible, horrible, uncomfortable word; Discipline. How do you effectively correct or discipline your team…
That’s right - it was so good we decided to hit it again! Plus, we got some awesome feedback from some of our listeners, so here we go again, the comparison game Part Deuce!
Comparison. Even if we don’t want to - and fight it as best we can - it’s an easy trap to fall into. James & Dustin talk through the dangers of comparing yourselves to others,
One of the toughest parts of putting together an authentic worship experience is planning well, while still allowing room for God to move. This is something that becomes easier with time.
On this episode we caught up with our friend, local worship leader, sound guy, producer, business owner and father of five (busy guy!) - the wonderful Chris Clayton.
I’ve been involved in church since I was a kid, like many of you reading this I’m guessing (for those of you who came later, it kinda still applies) and we all know how the intricacies of church work.
So what's the difference between the hired hand and the shepherd ... the song leader and the worship leader? Lucky for us, John 10 has some strong language about that very topic!
Growing up my dad used to say, “ministry would be a whole lot easier if people weren’t involved.” I’d always laugh a bit nervously at the sheer honesty of his statement . . .
So, how DO you get your church to respond? How do you get those “pesky” few, hard-headed Christians to engage in the wonderful worship you are providing?!

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During the course of my thirty–plus years as a believer, I’ve learned a number of things that have strengthened and enlightened me. One of these things is expressed in worship.